Monday, January 08, 2007

My trip to Taj

it was a nice vacation. we all had a nice time in Agra as it was sunny. the breeze was cold but the sun was out so we could have more fun.

i have added all the pics in the flicker for every one to see and u can post ur comments too.

there where many things that i kept on thinking when we were at the palaces.

Kings made such large palaces, no one could enter them and here we were standing and clicking snaps of the glory that was once not for a common man to see... the bed rooms and the secret tunnels ( which we too couldn't see but did get to see where it started from)

Then the Palaces where so huge but the rooms where so small. one king size bed would take up all the space. how did they manage. there was very little space for other furniture !!!! and also how did they manage to keep the clothes and jewels etc... may be the furniture etc got destroyed but one will still think where did they keep it. THE ROOMS R SO SMALL

then all the palaces where nice but there was no loo ??!!?? (hee hee) did they go to the open fields? there was a stable in Fatepur Shikeri and also a place for maids and workers but the King Akbar's palace was beautiful and so was his queens but there was no loo? ;-)

May be i am not so good in History and i need to brush up a lot. but the guides too where at loss on many things.

I the end the main thing i felt was we should remember ...... everything is a myth... we shall be alone in the other plane which is above this plane where we play our part as a child, spouse/companion and parent. all the wars and the palaces and houses r going to stay here on this earth. we came without anything in our hands and will leave like that. so why do we fight over land, food and power. nothing is static in this earth.

The kings of past ( of whole world ...) fought with others or each other for power, land, for the maximum percentage of their lives and that's what they are remembered for "Fighting" and the wealth they collected they made "palaces"..... for themselves... what happened to a common man and how was his life affected by all this. very less is known.

May be i am wrong and the lives of common man is known, but we don't get to know it till we dig on our own. Kings and Queens are glorified

Those embroideries of your grandmother and grandfather are beautiful.
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